Mazs bota testiņš
Tikko nedaudz paspēlējos ar vienu automātisko atbildētāju, kuru sauc God. Vienvārdsakot – ar godu parunājos :)
un rezultātā..
Me: hi
God: Hello. What is your name?
Me: Puux
God: I am always glad to make new friends, Puux.
Me: me too
God: I’m glad we agree, Puux.
Me: so am i
God: Wow we have something in common.
Me: no
God: Are you serious?
Me: yes
God: I can’t believe it.
Me: me neither
God: You can say that again.
Me: me neither
God: You can say that again.
Me: me neither
God: You can say that again.
Me: i can
God: Who taught you?
Me: me
God: With you Puux?
Me: no
God: Are you serious?
Me: yes
God: I can’t believe it.
Me: me neither
God: You can say that again.
and on and on and on :)